Adrenal gland function

Size doesn't matter:

With the size not bigger than a walnut with a weight less than a grape.Your adrenal gland sit right on the top of your kidney .Don't let their small size deceive you.Its a factory that produce and secretes almost 50 different kind of hormone...

The hormone are mainly to help yourself balance the stress that we experience,it help maintain our body reaction due to stress in appropriate way and kept our cell environment safe....

The function of adrenal gland:

1.Help us dealing with stress:

Create a safe environment by secreting cortisol hormone that are protective anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant hormone which minimise negative and allergic reaction such as swelling and inflammation,due to alcohol,drug,food, environmental allergen,cancer,infection and other 70 odd autoimmune disorder.. 

2.Secretes over 50 kind of different hormone

The type of hormone that being secreted by the adrenal gland is steroid hormone such as adrenalin,cortisol,aldosterone,estrogen and testosterone that are essential for your health and vitality...
These hormone can affect the utilisation of carbohydrate and fat,the conversion of fat an protein into energy,the distribution of fats especially around your waist...

 3.Regulate the fluid balance and blood sugar

The hormone that being secreted also have the function to regulate the level of sugar in blood for example adrenalin is for emergency energy that activated when you panic.adrenalin gradually rose and activate the sugar in your blood and convert them into energy...

Small in size but doing a though job.Its important for us to take precaution to balance the gland
