9 symptoms of adrenal fatigue

Adrenal hormone are the one that give us the energy at our emergency time such as running from a dog,avoiding sudden car collision and a feeling that keep our heart beat at highest rate when we meet our boss or our crush.

 Adrenal fatigue are the most common disorder problem that cause us to loose energy and loose our daily precious lifestyle by decreasing our concentration,poor appetite,muscle weakness and etc...

.A symptom is something the patient feels and describes, such as pain, while a sign is something others can detect, such as a rash. Below are some symptoms related to adrenal fatigue, they are documented in alternative medicine literature and health books:

1.Tiredness and a sense of sleepiness during the day..

     It is something that we call low energy level,our body could not metabolise the energy efficiently.low blood pressure, anaemia.We should add a few of iron such as spinach in our diet as it will help transport oxygen in our blood haemoglobin.as a result we can increase our energy

2.Salty and sweet cravings.

 our body react that way to show us that it need more energy so it says to us,lets drink up the glucose in at our kitchen,it could be fun..they also make us crave toward salty food and the most common is salty grilled steak.yeah that could be fun too.but all the fast energy drink are bad for a long term period.avoid them if you love your body 

3.Needing stimulants or high doses of caffeine in coffee or colas.

Yeah we felt that a lot of time,we could feel a lot more relaxed when those thing are around,but they are not your best loyal friends.in a long term period it can corrode your bone and make it brittle.and even worse they can corrode your teeth make it black and loose their ground.

4.Low blood pressure.

 The function of the hormone is to make our heart beat faster.As the secretion of the hormone being less than normal.our body tend to have low blood pressure due to slow heartbeat.the hormone also increase the speed of blood travel in our artery.

5.Having difficulties in recuperating from illnesses.

Our body loose their strength in repelling and repairing itself,as the body loose their energy so does the antibody.They work with no motivation from body environment that does not support their campaign toward fighting the evil cell in our body.

6.General body aches.

Adrenal fatigue can lead to body aching,due to low rate of oxygen transfer in the blood to the body tissue.thus resulting in weak muscle and degenerative tissue

7.Feeling energetic late in the afternoons than early in 

the day.

we feel a lot energy more than early in the day,why we felt that way after 12-1 pm? according to the body clock.that is the period where our heart pump at the best speed and rhythm.so it isn't weird why we felt a bit of increase of energy at that time.  

8.Difficulty getting out of bed . Even with a good 

night´s sleep.

An 8 hour of sleep does feel enough?well some could be surprised and some of us think,this is normal.Well its not .the only thing that we need to change is our sleep schedule.ask yourself.where are we at 1 am?still drinking a few coffee or still accessing our brain? we should sleep at 11 pm,but when we did not do that,the detoxification of the liver doesn't carry out properly.leaving our nerve to scatter all the toxic.that why we have more thinking to do right after 1 am.   

9.Weight loss

Adrenal hormone are the one that stabilize the volume of sugar in the blood.when sugar level in blood drop,cortisol will trigger a hunger response reminding you to eat. 

 Without the right amount of cortisol  from the adrenal hormones,

 The body will not feel hunger beside it losses the function to process nutrients, vitamins or minerals, and the tissues begin to waste. People with adrenal hormone insufficiency typically have poor appetite, muscle weakness, fatigue, poor concentration, low blood pressure and weight loss.

let find the solution to maintain our andrenaline click here
